Music Ministry Director
Nortonville Gospel Chapel
14528 Leonard Rd, Spring Lake MI 49456
(616) 842-4285
Job Overview
The music ministry of Nortonville Chapel desires to bring generations together for unified worship of the Lord. We aspire to honor the Lord, drawing upon the powerful songs and hymns of the past and the refreshing praise songs of today, to help the saints practice Ephesians 5:18-21.
Job Description
• 10 hrs/week
• Personally lead music ministry at Sunday AM service.
• Collaborate with Senior Pastor to plan and implement Sunday worship services.
• Oversee all elements of music ministry: song selection, musicians, vocalists, etc.
• Insure seamless transitions in the worship service.
• Oversee the preparation of quality visual-aids to enhance the worship experience.
• Help plan and participate in holiday services (Good Friday, Easter, Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve).
• Maintain database of songs which are legally compliant concerning copyrights and permissions.
• Provide musical elements of weddings, funerals and other special occasions as requested with additional honoraria provided.
• Love for Christ, His people, and the Word of God.
• Ability to lead the people of God in worship.
• Heartfelt agreement with the Nortonville Chapel's Constitution (see website).
• Relational abilities and healthy team-building skills.
• Humility in pursuing ministry input, feedback and evaluation.
• Vocal skills are essential; guitar or keyboard a great addition.
• A grasp of audio/visual technology.
• Appreciation for a wide variety of musical styles.
• Nortonville Chapel is highly committed to the authority of Scripture, the purity of the Gospel, and the majesty of Christ.
• Interested in honoring God with a plurality of musical styles and instruments.
• Approximately 85 people at Sunday morning worship attendance.
• We are an independent church with an association in the IFCA International.
How to Apply
Email resume to